Thursday, 15 March 2012

Customize Windows alert tones

Bored of the same sound being played every time you Start/Shut down you PC????
Dont worry you can replace it with your favorite sound bit.

PCpedia teaches you the way to change any/all the alert tones in Windows

1. Open control panel(available in Windows Start menu)
2. Double click on Sounds and Audio Devices icon.

 3. Select Sounds tab in the displayed Sounds and Audio Devices Properties window
4. Select the Program event(from the list) whose alert tone is to be changed and click on Browse
5. Navigate to the location where you have saved your desired tone.

6. Select the tone and Click on OK.

Note: Make sure that your sound bit has .wav extension.

Some unknown MS-WORD Shortcuts

Microsoft Word or just WORD as we call it shortly: Love it or hate it, practically everyone uses it.
Here are 8 Shortcuts of Word that most of probably do not know.

1. Double Click And Drag
If you're like most people, when you want to move a section of text from one place to another, you use Control-X to cut and Control-V to paste. That's fine. It works. But there's a faster way: Double click or highlight what you want to move, then simply drag what you've highlighted to where you want it to land.

2. Double Underline
You know you can affect text by hitting Control-B to make it bold or Control-U to underline. But if one line of underlining just isn't emphatic enough, Control-Shift-D will double underline. (On a Mac, use Command-Shift-D.)


3. Change Case
Instead of retyping everything to change from lower case to Title Case or to UPPERCASE, just highlight the text you want to change, click the case button, and then choose which case you want.

4. Adding Buttons to Your Toolbar
Suppose you just tried using shortcut #3, but the case button isn't on your toolbar, no worries; you can add it (and almost any other command). Go to View, Toolbars, Customize Toolbars, Commands, then scroll to find the command you want — and drag it to where on the toolbar you want it.

5. Add the Date
How many times a day do you type the date? If you do it even once, that's too much. Next time, just hit Alt-Shift-D (or Control-Shift -D on a Mac) to add the date automatically.

6. Quick Parts
This next tip builds on what the Autotext function did in older versions of Word: If you have a certain paragraph of text you regularly need to add to a document — like a boilerplate disclaimer, or maybe directions to your office — turn it into a Quick Part. Here's how:Quick Parts
  1. Highlight the text you regularly use
  2. Click the insert tab
  3. Hit Quick Parts, and choose "Save Selection To The Quick Part Gallery"

Now any time you want to insert that chunk of text into a document, either a new one or and old one you're editing, just hit that Quick Parts button. Just one more click will select which saved Quick Part to insert. This trick will even work as a shortcut for adding a logo or letterhead.

7. Conform Fonts
This one used to drive me crazy: I'd copy and paste some bit of text from another document or from the Web, and then I'd have to click all over the place to get the font size and style to match the surrounding text of my existing document. No longer. Here's all you need to do: Highlight the non-conforming text, then hit Control-Spacebar. Done.

8. Customize Quick Access Toolbar
There is one way to get your most commonly used commands in the same place- that's to customize the Quick Access Toolbar.  It's like the center drawer in your desk that has all the stuff you use most in one easy-to-access place. No organization, just (as the name implies) quick access. So take the things you like most and add them to the Quick Access toolbar. Click the little down arrow tab to get to the Customize

Quick Access Toolbar drop down menu:
Hit "more commands" and add whatever you use most. You can also position this toolbar below the ribbon if you prefer it to be closer to your document text.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Solution for Windows 7 Genuine validation problem

This is quite a common problem for most if us who use the non-Genuine Copy of Win 7 OS.

Here is what u can do to avoid those pesky and sometimes buggy Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) notifications:

1. The EASIEST Way
Search online for the "Windows 7 Loader" program. It is completely automated and will automatically give your computer a valid activation key.

2. Manual procedure:

1. Reboot Windows in safe mode (hold the f8 key while booting and you will get the option to boot in safe mode) and then:
2. Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and search for wgalogon folder and delete it. You should backup up the registry beforeshand, in case somethiong goes wrong.
3. In your windows directory search for files wga* and delete them. when you search for wga* please don\'t delete wgapi.dll if you found. This dynamic link is not related with that notifications massage.
You are done!
Now reboot back normally and continue your work. Windows Genuine Advantage will not bother you anymore.
Note: Keep a backup up of the registry beforehand, in case something goes wrong.

Monday, 19 September 2011

The CTRL+C Threat!!!!

Its Quite shocking to know that the data that we copy(using CTRL+C or right click-Copy) can be accessed by any one on the INTERNET.
YES!! Its True.

You can test it by yourself by clicking on the link(in Internet Explorer)

Better dont copy any sensitive data(like passwords) while you are connected to the NET

But how is it done???
Ans: The Clipboard hack is done by the following Source Code:

<script language="JavaScript">
var content = clipboardData.getData("Text");

The good news is, this HACKING can be done only in Internet Explorer, and even that can be avoided.

To avoid clipboard hack problem in Internet Explorer 7, do the following:
1. Go to internet options->security.
2. Press custom level.
In the security settings, select disable under Allow Programmatic Clipboard Access 

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Facebook Shortcuts

Good news for Facebook  lovers
PCpedia has some shortcuts for this social networking site.

Alt+1: View your News Feed

Alt+2: View your own Profile

Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests

Alt+4: View pop-up of messages

Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications

Alt+6: View Account Settings

Alt+7: View Privacy Settings

Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile

Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.

Alt+?: Search

Alt+m: Compose a new message

Firefox Facebook Shortcuts

Shift+Alt+1: View your News Feed

Shift+Alt+2: View your own Profile

Shift+Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests

Shift+Alt+4: View pop-up of messages

Shift+Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications

Shift+Alt+6: View Account Settings

Shift+Alt+7: View Privacy Settings

Shift+Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile

Shift+Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.

Shift+Alt+0: Open Facebook Help Center

Shift+Alt+?: Search

Shift+Alt+m: Compose a new message

Note:The above shortcut keys only work with the numbers on the top of your keyboard, not the number pad

Friday, 12 August 2011

Run your Favorite Apps at Windows startup

You can Run your favorite Application/Software automatically when your Windows Xp starts up.

Again it is very simple like any other tricks you find on PCpeda

1.Create a shortcut of the Application.

2. Goto Start menu-->All Programs-->Startup(Right Click on it and select Open)

3. Paste the shortcut (of the Application that you have created) in the Startup folder

4. Now the App will run automatically when you switch on your PC.

Note: You can also Drag & Drop the shortcut directly to  Startup Submenu in the  Start Menu

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Customize your 'Send To' menu

Send To is a menu which allows you to directly copy a file from the current location to the locations available in the Menu

You can see this Menu by Right-Clicking on any file or folder

By default, you have 4 options in Send To for Windows Xp

 Many of us do not know that we can actually CUSTOMIZE the Send To menu by following some very simple steps.

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\SendTo

After navigating to this folder,
               Create a shortcut to your favorite folder and paste the shortcut in the above folder.

Now your favorite folder has been added to your SendTo menu.
When you want to copy any file/folder to this(PCpedia in the above image) you just have to Right-click and select your fav folder from the SendTo menu.

Note: After creating shortcut for a folder, the shortcut file will be named "Shortcut to <foldername>". Goto. rename and remove "Shortcut to"