Monday, 19 September 2011

The CTRL+C Threat!!!!

Its Quite shocking to know that the data that we copy(using CTRL+C or right click-Copy) can be accessed by any one on the INTERNET.
YES!! Its True.

You can test it by yourself by clicking on the link(in Internet Explorer)

Better dont copy any sensitive data(like passwords) while you are connected to the NET

But how is it done???
Ans: The Clipboard hack is done by the following Source Code:

<script language="JavaScript">
var content = clipboardData.getData("Text");

The good news is, this HACKING can be done only in Internet Explorer, and even that can be avoided.

To avoid clipboard hack problem in Internet Explorer 7, do the following:
1. Go to internet options->security.
2. Press custom level.
In the security settings, select disable under Allow Programmatic Clipboard Access 

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Facebook Shortcuts

Good news for Facebook  lovers
PCpedia has some shortcuts for this social networking site.

Alt+1: View your News Feed

Alt+2: View your own Profile

Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests

Alt+4: View pop-up of messages

Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications

Alt+6: View Account Settings

Alt+7: View Privacy Settings

Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile

Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.

Alt+?: Search

Alt+m: Compose a new message

Firefox Facebook Shortcuts

Shift+Alt+1: View your News Feed

Shift+Alt+2: View your own Profile

Shift+Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests

Shift+Alt+4: View pop-up of messages

Shift+Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications

Shift+Alt+6: View Account Settings

Shift+Alt+7: View Privacy Settings

Shift+Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile

Shift+Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.

Shift+Alt+0: Open Facebook Help Center

Shift+Alt+?: Search

Shift+Alt+m: Compose a new message

Note:The above shortcut keys only work with the numbers on the top of your keyboard, not the number pad

Friday, 12 August 2011

Run your Favorite Apps at Windows startup

You can Run your favorite Application/Software automatically when your Windows Xp starts up.

Again it is very simple like any other tricks you find on PCpeda

1.Create a shortcut of the Application.

2. Goto Start menu-->All Programs-->Startup(Right Click on it and select Open)

3. Paste the shortcut (of the Application that you have created) in the Startup folder

4. Now the App will run automatically when you switch on your PC.

Note: You can also Drag & Drop the shortcut directly to  Startup Submenu in the  Start Menu

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Customize your 'Send To' menu

Send To is a menu which allows you to directly copy a file from the current location to the locations available in the Menu

You can see this Menu by Right-Clicking on any file or folder

By default, you have 4 options in Send To for Windows Xp

 Many of us do not know that we can actually CUSTOMIZE the Send To menu by following some very simple steps.

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\SendTo

After navigating to this folder,
               Create a shortcut to your favorite folder and paste the shortcut in the above folder.

Now your favorite folder has been added to your SendTo menu.
When you want to copy any file/folder to this(PCpedia in the above image) you just have to Right-click and select your fav folder from the SendTo menu.

Note: After creating shortcut for a folder, the shortcut file will be named "Shortcut to <foldername>". Goto. rename and remove "Shortcut to"

Friday, 8 July 2011

Save the flash content from Web pages

The Flash content present in Web pages can be downloaded and saved in your PC using Mozilla Firefox in a very easy manner.
Check it out.

Open he selected Web page(URL) in Firefox.
Here I wanted to save the  Flash file embedded in the following Web page 

The image kind of thing  you are seeing is a Flash file(.swf) in which the water  moves when we hover the mouse pointer over it creating a feel that we are actually touching the water.
I wanted to save that content as a file.

Select Page Info from Tools menu and click on Media
Here you will see the list all media files present in the current Web page.

Note: In general flash files are listed with Type: "Object" or "Embeded"  {Object in the above context}

Now select  your desired file and click on Save As
Download will be triggered and Thats it!!
Now you have your desired content saved in to your PC

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Dynamic Desktop

Bored of using IMAGES as Desktop Background??
I have an Idea to make your Desktop more colorful and Dynamic

I am gonna tell you how to set a HTML file as Desktop Background.

Ex: You can insert an image slide show or embed any Flash content in you web page
Here my HTML file contains a clock

Open Display Properties(Right click on Desktop and click on Properties)
Goto Desktop tab

Click on Customize Desktop --> Web

Click on New Select your desired HTML file

Ex: Here I selected Santu.html

Apply the settings and see the Magic

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Disable Autoplay for DVDs and USB drives

It is so annoying to see the Autoplay option scanning the files present in he Disk for a while and then asking you "what do you want to do".. when ever you insert DVD/Cd or USB drive into your PC.

I have a way to TurnOff the Autoplay option.

Goto RUN and type gpedit.msc

You will see the Group Policy window. You should select Administrative Templates \ System in the tree view:

You will see an item in the right side pane called “Turn off Autoplay”

Double click the item, and set the radio button to Enabled, and change the “Turn off Autoplay on” to All Drives.

Now you are free from the time consuming and annoying Autoplay option.

Note: This tip is best suited for PCs with less RAM

Monday, 4 July 2011

Keyboard shortcut for your favorite Application

Going to the Start menu-->All Programs every time to open an application is quite a long process.
It is quite boring if you use it very often.

Here is a better way to do it just using 3keys of your keyboard.

1.Right click in the application/shortcut of the application
2. Select Properties

3. Select Shortcut in the 'Properties' window
4. Click on Shortcut Key text box and type key which you want to use as a shortcut for the selected application

Ex: Here I want to create a shortcut for Firefox with the Hotkey- 'F'
So in the 4th step I type the letter F

5.Click on Apply

From now, if I want to open Firefox, I will just do "Ctrl+Alt+F"

Like wise you can apply this to any number of applications
Note: Do not assign same Hotkey to two different applications.