This is quite a common problem for most if us who use the non-Genuine Copy of Win 7 OS.
Here is what u can do to avoid those pesky and sometimes buggy Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) notifications:
1. The EASIEST Way:
Search online for the "Windows 7 Loader" program. It is completely automated and will automatically give your computer a valid activation key.
2. Manual procedure:
1. Reboot Windows in safe mode (hold the f8 key while booting and you will get the option to boot in safe mode) and then:
2. Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and search for wgalogon folder and delete it. You should backup up the registry beforeshand, in case somethiong goes wrong.
3. In your windows directory search for files wga* and delete them. when you search for wga* please don\'t delete wgapi.dll if you found. This dynamic link is not related with that notifications massage.
You are done!
Now reboot back normally and continue your work. Windows Genuine Advantage will not bother you anymore.
Note: Keep a backup up of the registry beforehand, in case something goes wrong.